The start of a new Year.

2015 is in the rear view mirror. My Dad died 5 months and 7 days ago. Three months and 5 days later my dear friend Margaret Stenger died. My father had 90 years with his full life. Margaret lived the fullest life of anyone I know. Sadly she only had 59 years but she really […]
Packing on a gray day.

Today was a meeting with an estate sale company. It’s mostly a service and not about making big $$$. My parents style of collections hold little value. To me the service is worth it to have someone else sorting through and at least getting rid of some of it. I’ve heard about Bridging as a […]
Voting today.

I am always moved when I see new immigrants involved in the political process. Yesterday at the Cedar Cultural Center GOTV rally was no different. I’m curious to know in percentages of voting turnout among the new immigrant citizens compared to those of us who are long ago descendants of immigrants who came to America […]
The people against the Safe Schools bill…

…are the same people so vehemently against the Marriage equality bill. This young man and his family, I assume his mother offered up my picture of the day within minutes after I arrived. The next frame the woman yelled at me to stop taking pictures. I asked her if she didn’t expect that the media […]
Wellstone grave. October 25, 2013

Eleven years. Always a somber day. It was a warmer day today than the past few that has given us chilly hints of the winter to come. A very quiet day at Lakewood. Only a few stones, one bouquet of flowers. Several new memorial markers now occupy the area in the years that I have […]
“By the power finally vested in me by the people of Minnesota, I hereby declare you legally married.” Mayor RT Rybak. Aug. 1, 2013

What an amazing night. Marriage equality became reality as gay and lesbian couples across the state got married starting at midnight and Love really is the law now. Margaret Miles and Cathy ten Broeke along with their adorable son Louie just before they were married at midnight, the first in Mayor RT Rybak’s wedding-a-thon. It […]
Betty Tisel given the Allen Spear award.

Betty Tisel was honored with the Allen Spear award by the Stonewall Organization for her tireless work on both Vote No amendments this past election season. Betty was the only name that was brought up by the committee to receive this award. She was EVERYWHERE organizing, feeding volunteers, selling T Shirts, making calls, etc, etc. […]
A birthday rose for Christine.

Today would have been Christine Rosholt’s 48th birthday and tonight I will gather with her sister and friends to celebrate her life just days after marking one year since she decided she was done with life. I was so moved when her sister Elizabeth posted, on Facebook, part of a note that Christine left behind […]