General Mills protest

The group Minnesota for Marriage (the defenders) began their 4 day protest outside General Mills headquarters today. I estimated about 70 people who expressed their dismay that General Mills as a company is supporting the idea that Gay and Lesbian should have marriage rights.
Spokesman Tom Forsythe said General Mills has worked for decades to create an inclusive culture for employees and believes Minnesota should be welcoming as well. The protesters said this was NOT about Gay rights, but company policy that goes against the masses.
There were a few Vote No folks who tried to speak reason to the Defenders of Marriage, but reason is not something one can use in arguing with these folks. Eat more Cheerios!! Helps support a good company and lowers your cholesterol at the same time.
1 Comment
Steve Timmer
September 25, 2012One of the saddest parts of the General Mills protest scene was a group of pre-adolescents parading anti-gay marriage signs. Every day. Somebody must have been bringing their vacation Bible school class to the protest.