Respite in Costa Rica.

My favorite place to go is somewhere I’ve never been and Costa Rica had been on my list for a long time. Thanks to Val Lien, who has been living in Costa Rica for the past 11 years, I have the sweetest little studio apartment, 5 minute walk to the beach. No this photo above is not where I’m staying. It’s my favorite house right on the beach.
This is my humble abode. Perfect with a sweet balcony that has a cashew tree in bloom right in front of it.
Playa Hermosa Guanacaste is on the Pacific coast in the NW region of the country. It’s considered the dry rainforest and this is the dry season. It does remind me of the Arizona desert complete with saguaros. Also like the desert things are just starting to bloom here. But here is also the ocean! It’s a whole other story when the rains start and they have their green season.
Lizards of course and I’ve heard and seen my first screeching monkeys. More guttural and I thought sounded like a gorilla.
There are many developments of beautiful homes in gated communities owned mostly by Americans and Canadians.
Not all of them have been successful. I found this one on a walk not far from the beach that didn’t seem to take off. I’m told a lot of development starts before they have the needed permits, then everything is halted. It takes about 2 years to get a single family house constructed with permits.
The good side of the development is the tourist dollars coming into the area. The separation behind walls is sad to me. However I will admit that I am comforted knowing I can sleep with my window and door to the balcony open and when I go to the beach my computer, phone and cameras are secure.
Did I mention the beautiful beach?!
I’m thrilled that the facetime thing is working with staying in touch with my folks while I’m gone.
With our testing before I left I found out they couldn’t understand with just the speaker on the Ipad, but headphones did the trick. They are pretty blown away at the new technology.
It’s been a joy to wander and find images that simply please me. I’m excited about my Playa Negra series.
The beach is superb.
My short cut to the beach through the gardens of the fancy hotel across the street from me.
Low tide.
Land for sale.
It was a tree sort of day today.
Ode to Vivian Maier.
Capturing the sunset.
They are spectacular. Lots to explore and I have three more weeks to do just that. That is if I can pry myself off the beach.
That won’t be easy.
1 Comment
Leslie Kratz
March 22, 2015Terry, I am thrilled that you are getting time to play, relax and rejuvenate. I am enjoying the images ( the sunsets on the beach are breathtaking). Post more shots of lizards. I have always found them amazing… just think of how many hundred thousands of years they have survived on this planet… a lot longer than our species. Hey… how’s the food??? Be well and love you lots. Leslie ( and Gary and Logan too!)