
CD 5 Convention, Washburn High School. Minneapolis

Posted on Apr 26, 2008 in MN Senate race 2008 | 3 Comments

Some of the  41 men who ran for a chance to be one of three Obama delegates to the National Convention in Denver representing CD 5.


  1. Leslie
    April 27, 2008

    ” Democracy is the process in which one gradually increases the number of people included in the term “WE” or “US”…. and at the same time decreases the groups of people labeled “YOU” or “THEM”… until those limiting and discriminating categories have no one left in it.” Howard Winter
    As I look at this image… I am struck by a thought that NONE OF US should take lightly. The evolution and the progress that Democracy has produced in this country is amazing. More people of all races & cultures are actively participating in the American democratic process… For the first time in our history… we have viable presidential candidates. One who is an African American and one who is a woman. And… it is totally within the realm of possibility that either Barack Obama and/or Hillary Clinton could end up being elected the next President of the United States. I think about my grandmother, Clotilde and my great aunt, Louise and what they would think about this… They dreamed about this day…
    and they both passed away during the last two years after living well into their nineties. Even two years ago, they dreamed about this day…but didn’t believe it would happen any time in the near future. I also think about Martin Luther King and what he would think about today’s political scene. I have to believe that ALL OF THEIR SPIRITS are SOARING!

  2. Robb
    April 27, 2008

    Terry: Did get on the delegate slate for Denver?

  3. Terry Gydesen
    April 27, 2008

    No. But I did get up and make my one minute speech. There was over 30 women who ran, many who have been tireless workers for various campaigns. Not to belittle what I do in documenting the process, but I almost withdrew my name knowing that there were many woman who I felt deserved to go ahead of me, but I was happy to participate in the process. There is another opportunity to run at state for the national convention,however, my friend Muriel Vaughen, 87 years old, really wants to go as a Hillary delegate, so I may focus my energy seeing if I can help make that happen for her. She came in 2nd at her convention in CD 4 loosing to Lois Quam. It’s quite sad actually. Muriel, a retired nun, has been working for the democratic party her entire life and has been donating money to the Clinton campaign out of her social security check, her only source of income, every month. At 87, I think this will be Muriel’s last chance in her life to be a national delegate, so I hope people will realize what a great representative she would be representing Minnesota in Denver.


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