
Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer and his campaign manager

Posted on Oct 10, 2007 in MN Senate race 2008 | 3 Comments


  1. Anne
    January 24, 2008

    Heard good things about Al and Mike, but didn’t know who Jack was. Then I heard him speak to a small group at Schneider’s Drug Store on University in St. Paul and learned a whole lot. His content and points of view seem to be very informed – from single payer healthcare, to his humanitarian view on our role as global citizens (particularly in Iraq & Iran), to his thoughts on how to proactively start legislative change with more immediate impact on global warming. He has solid information, and is not afraid to take a stand. After listening to him on MPR, and at a debate, I am hoping that the public is listening to him. (That IS Jack on the left, correct?)

  2. Leslie Kratz
    February 11, 2008

    “What matters today is not the difference between those who believe and those who don’t believe… what matters is knowing the difference between those who care and those who don’t.” Eleanor Roosevelt

    As I research issues and compare and contrast the differences between Al Franken, Mike Ciresi and Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer, I am comforted by and grateful for the recognition that ALL three candidates CARE DEEPLY about each and every Minnesotan.

  3. Terry Nova
    February 13, 2008

    LOVE your blog, thanks for entertaining me
    Hope there will be more posts soon
    regards, terry
    ps – sorry im not that good in writing in english because I came from europe – but i understand a lot


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