Almost perfect

Today my parents looked at a 2 BR 1 Bath apartment at Lilydale Senior Living that had almost everything on their list of must haves.
Washer and drying, check. Two bedrooms, check. Balcony with a view, not bad, view of downtown St. Paul and a garden center, check. Granite counters, hadn’t asked for that but nice. Nearest apartment to the elevator to go for dinners. Excellent. If only it had that 2nd bathroom. Oh well.
A bedroom large enough for their king size bed. Check.
A reservation has been made. When I suggested that we schedule the woman I am hiring to help with the move come this weekend to discuss how she can help us my mom freaked out and said she needed more time.
On the way out my dad had hung his coat up near the entryway and he insisted it wasn’t his coat and he didn’t want to wear it. I said it really looked to me like the coat he had on when we came (because it was) I finally convinced him to wear it and we could exchange it with whoever took his coat when they return it. When back at the house he was looking at his cane and when I asked him what’s wrong, he said it wasn’t his cane. Oy.
This is so hard and very sad but we need a move date and it needs to be very soon.
January 10, 2014Terry.
Those are a few good pictures you have here.
I am going to look past your parents looks of thoughtfulness and stress and think, ” wow, nice, place,..they should try this!” As I agree it sounds necessary.
Change is scary. Letting go of things from the past,… or anyone downsizing is an uncomfortable process, right?.
I am going to tell them,..that I can hardly wait to retire and find a nice place like Lilydale to take it easy. I will tell them,…”just watch Darlene and Lou,…I may be your neighbor sometime soon in that Lilydale independent living community!”
It will be ok.
I am sorry that Lou is becoming more forgetful.
We can chat very soon,
January 10, 2014So very hard for all. The photos are wonderful and touching, but don’t tell the whole story. My heart goes out to you.
Glenis Zempel
January 10, 2014Terry,
My heart goes out to you and your parents. They must be going through so many fearful changes, a move is just another one. I had to argue with my mother about moving into an assisted living apartment for 6 months, but after she moved, it took less than a month for her to be happy with her new home.
This looks like a good place for your parents. I hope they accept the apartment and move.
pam colby
January 10, 2014Terry,
Keep on documenting. It is a story that so many can relate to.
Hang in there, such tough stuff.