Christmas Dinner

We had a most wonderful Christmas today. I couldn’t have done it without the help from my friends Calvin Janssen and Janet Bayliss. Calvin decorated my place with many of my mother’s things including her china that was a wedding gift, her sterling silver flatware, and crystal wine glasses. I also found old cards my mother has saved over the years and used them for table markers and displays. We had the lace holly tablecloth with matching napkins. Calvin brought pine boughs from the northwoods and made a beautiful centerpiece. It was all perfect.
Thanks to Lisa Nebenzahl for giving me the recipe for the 3 day dry rub on the turkey. Best turkey I’ve ever had. Janet made cranberries, corn souffle and pecan pie. Calvin made the sweet potato casserole, fresh green bean casserole and the gravy was the bomb.
After dinner I gave everyone gratitude candles and we went around the table to say what we were grateful for. It was a beautiful moving experience.
It’s becoming more and more difficult for my parents to climb the flight of stairs to my place. My Dad asked when he arrived if he’d been there before. Yes Dad, I’ve lived here for 22 years. I reminded him that he helped me rip up the carpeting when I first moved in. He seemed to remember, but he said it looks different.
It might be the last time they are able to make the climb. We will see what 2015 brings. But today, brought a wonderful time had by all and that feels fantastic.