GLBT Freedom to Marry Rally at the Capitol.
It’s always interesting to see who shows up to represent the people who want to “protect” marriage.
Terry Gydesen and Ann Marsden. James Hill House Gallery. Photo by Lisa Nebenzahl.
Ann and I finally got over to see the show we are in together at the James Hill Mansion in St. Paul. The show also includes images by Tom Ardnt and several other photographers. There are some great historical images here that are a part of the Minnesota Historical Society’s col Dinner With Ex Girlfriend […]
Greatest Generation Film festival Riverview theater. Photo by Janet Bayliss
The crowd reaction to my film Letter to My Mother was fantastic. My Mom had a blast being the movie star for the day, and my dear friends Ann Viitala and Laura Ayers graciously hosted the most lovely reception after the film. I am filled with gratitude. My film won an audience choice award!
R & R after the RNC
A little time on the back of a horse always rests my soul. What a great escape from the past few weeks.
RNC Convention. Xcel Center. St. Paul, MN
After the siege last night, I decided to spend my day in and around Xcel since I have a credential through Minnpost. Here’s some of my favorites of the day. Look on for more.