The start of a new Year.

2015 is in the rear view mirror. My Dad died 5 months and 7 days ago. Three months and 5 days later my dear friend Margaret Stenger died. My father had 90 years with his full life. Margaret lived the fullest life of anyone I know. Sadly she only had 59 years but she really […]
Tender time.

This week has been a most profound journey. Last Sunday it was clear my Dad, and more importantly, my Mom needed more help. The Waters staff and hospice were suggesting that we move my Dad into the enhanced care unit where he could be watched over 24/7. They showed us the room which was a […]

The need has come for overnight care for Louie. He fell five times in four days last week when he tried getting up on his own. We have extra services for morning and evening dressing and help to the bathroom. Also he now has escorts taking him to dinner in a wheelchair. We are interviewing […]

After closing on the property we were given two gifts from the sellers who signed remotely and were not present at the closing. One was a most beautiful sage bundle to smudge our new sanctuary made by Laurie, the other a piece made by Tom, birch bark with burnt in images of the different animals […]
A bad day for Louie.

My mom found Louie lying on his back next to his bed this morning. She thought he was dead. It had been a hard night last night and the Waters nurse and the hospice triage line needed to called as well. I rushed over this morning thinking this is it. I also acknowledged that I’m […]
Louie turns 90!

It’s hard to believe that my Dad has made it to see his 90th birthday, but today he did and we had the BEST birthday party for him. I had been talking about everyday for the last couple of weeks and each time I told him he was going to be 90 he was shocked […]
Respite in Costa Rica.

My favorite place to go is somewhere I’ve never been and Costa Rica had been on my list for a long time. Thanks to Val Lien, who has been living in Costa Rica for the past 11 years, I have the sweetest little studio apartment, 5 minute walk to the beach. No this photo above […]