Bad night for the Dems.
Ramsey County Commissioner Victoria Reinhardt’s face summed up the evening at the DFL headquarters better than any other I photographed last night. I made this one just before midnight. The word had come down that the Republicans have taken over both the State Senate and the House. Oberstar was trailing Craavack in the 8th CD. […]
So honored
I am so honored to have been mentioned by Jon Tevlin in his article today in the Strib. I bumped into him on my annual visit to the Wellstone grave on Oct. 25th.
Remembering…..Eight years later.
It’s a similar sad gray day not unlike 8 years ago. Honor Paul and Sheila by voting Dayton next week.
Sandhill Cranes in almost full moon.
I just had to go watch the cranes again on this almost full moon.