John Edwards rally, Carpenters Union Hall. St. Paul, MN
So John Edwards announces that he is dropping out of the race the day after 1200 crammed into the Carpenter’s Union to hear him speak. I must say my cynical side was perked when he was announced as the next President of the United States. They said, don’t count John out like the media. […]
Candidate forum at Take Action Minnesota Meeting
Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer wins the straw poll with Take Action Minnesota, by a 13 point margin over Al Franken. Vote totals were Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer 54 %, Al Franken 41% and Mike Ciresi, 4%. Take Action Minnesota is members ar Travel Website Design e among the most politically involved activists in the state. I think the state DFL convention […]
Al Franken campaigning for US Senate
Al Franken campaigning for US Senate for the seat once held by the late Paul Wellstone.