Another death.

I was returning home from a fun night watching a short film my friend Pam Colby screened tonight when my phone rang. The caller ID showed an old friend that I had not talked to in a long time. Kris Blake! I exclaimed excitedly as I answered the phone. Some silence, then I heard a man’s voice. He said no, this is Paul, her husband. He told me Kris had died in her sleep Wednesday night. It took my breath away.
I met Kris in 1988 on the Jesse Jackson campaign. She was the Minnesota campaign manager for his very grassroots campaign. Always on top of the details, Kris kept everything under control. We immediately struck a friendship. She was so supportive of me and my dream of working for Jackson, then it happened. The following year she was the first campaign manager for Paul Wellstone. Her kitchen was the first campaign office where a lot of early organizing happened. She said “You have to follow Paul Wellstone. He is someone special.” So were you my friend, so were you. Rest in peace.
October 19, 2012Did she have Parkinson’s ?
October 19, 2012No Parkinson’s, it was a sudden death. Some issues with her heart recently.
Ann Wiesner
October 19, 2012Terry, you have been riding some rough waters this year. I sure wish there was a way to take up your paddle for a spell. Lots of good people and horses to let go of….I am sorry for your loss, friend.
Mary Tuchscherer
October 19, 2012Terry… I’m sorry for the losses you are experiencing. Please know you can call anytime… my place is peaceful and you are welcome anytime. I’m keeping you in my prayers. M
Janet Dahlem
October 19, 2012I am so sorry about the death of your friend. You are such an eloquent writer as you share your grief.
Russ Adams
October 19, 2012Kris Blake was always so kind to me, a very giving person. I was first inspired to consider a career in the nonprofit sector by watching Kris deal with the ups and downs of leading MPIRG as its Executive Director. I learned so much from her, and fondly remember being talked into helping volunteer for her and my brother Scott Adams on one crusading political campaign after another. Those two saw the promise of Paul Wellstone long before he won in 1990. RIP Kris.
Richard Cooke
October 19, 2012Kris was the first campaign manager on the Paul Wellstone campaign as well and managed, among other things, to get Paul to cut his hair. He had long curly hair at his first press conference. She organized the big Wellstone announcement rally in Mpls. I know I have a picture of her on the day before the Wellstone election; I will try and find it. It is very sad news. The first time I met her was at Jackson 1988 headquarters at the U of M. She came in while she was giving a radio phone interview that we were already listening to. She was fighting the good fight as always, articulate, funny and standing up for real people. She will be missed. Sorry for your tough year Terry.
Paul Brown
October 20, 2012Kris on the tarmac in Montana. She had a ralley set on a campus when Rev., running behind, could only afford the time for an address at the airport. Kris had about an hour to motivate and manage to get the gathering crowd to the airport. Hence, a stressful whatfor from the team on the ground .
It is wonderful to read the word of friends from the Rainbow and Wellstone campaigns – despite the sorry circumstance. Let her spirit renew again the struggle for justice, peace, equality and the betterment of our brothers and sisters.; sisters and brothers.